How to escape the heat? How to help a child in the heat? Adviсe. Newborn in the heat How to deal with the heat with a small child

All mothers are looking forward to summer so they can be outside with their baby as much as possible, walk in parks, put on dresses and shorts. But almost always, at least for a couple of weeks, the summer season brings sweltering heat, which children, with their imperfect thermoregulation system, endure very hard.

We asked a pediatrician how to help a baby survive this difficult period and protect him from overheating and heat stroke.

Irina Troyanovskaya, pediatrician

First of all, we try to make the baby’s stay comfortable. in the apartment, preventing the air from drying out and heating up. To do this, several conditions must be met.

  • You can only ventilate in the morning before 6 o'clock and in the evening after 21. At this time, the air outside is the freshest and coolest. Opening windows during the daytime only increases the temperature in your home.
  • Windows can be covered with thick curtains. They will prevent the sun's rays from entering the rooms and heating the air.
  • To humidify the air, you can place containers of water around the room, spray the room with a spray bottle several times a day, and hang wet sheets or towels on the windows while airing.
  • Air conditioning can and should also be used, but with caution. Remember that your baby should not be in a room with the air conditioner running! First, cool the air in the room a little, and only then bring the baby there.
  • It is better to walk in the morning before 10 o'clock and in the evening after 5. At this time, the heat has not yet reached its maximum or is already subsiding, and the sun will not leave burns on the baby's delicate skin.
  • Walking along busy roads should be avoided. Hot asphalt, exhaust fumes, dust in addition to heat can be dangerous for the baby.
  • Give preference to park areas, walks along a river or lake. A dense forest is not suitable for a baby: it is very stuffy there due to the humid air and, in addition, it is in the heat that insects hide there.

It is very important during this period to choose the right clothes for the baby.

  • Loose-fitting cotton clothes are suitable. Natural fabrics allow air to pass through well, and loose models will not chafe children’s folds.
  • The baby must have a hat to prevent sunstroke.
  • It is better not to wear slippers and socks.
  • At home, the child can be left in only a thin T-shirt or completely naked. Stock up on disposable diapers: diapers are very hot and uncomfortable.

Any mother probably knows from her own experience that Appetite changes in hot weather. The same thing happens with the baby, and it is very important to adapt to his needs and desires.

  • The child wants to eat much less, but needs to drink. If the baby is breastfed, he will ask for the breast every hour, but eat a little, thereby compensating for the lack of fluid to a greater extent. There is no need to give water to children who drink mother's milk.
  • If the child is artificial, it is best to conduct a “wet diaper” test, and if there are fewer than 8 diapers, offer the baby regular water between feedings, but in no case before feeding. Let your baby drink as much as he wants.
  • Do not introduce complementary foods and new foods in extreme heat, and do not wean your baby off the breast. Don't be afraid to put it off for a month or two until the weather returns to normal.
  • If the baby already eats “human” food, give him light foods during the day (vegetables, fruits, soups or cereals), but leave meat dishes for the evening.

Sometimes it becomes a salvation in the heat water. Everyone wants to take a dip in the lake or take a cool shower. And children, even the smallest ones, are no exception.

  • The number of baths per day can be increased to 4-5. The main thing is not to overdo it and make the water too cold for your baby. Dry your baby thoroughly after bathing. Wet skin and a slight draft can lead to a cold.
  • Instead of swimming in the bath, you can dry your baby with a terry towel soaked in water at room temperature. Carefully wipe the legs and arms one by one, then the back, tummy and don’t forget to wash your face.
  • When going outside, be sure to take wet wipes to dry your child if he or she sweats a lot.
  • Remember that children under one year old are not allowed to swim in open water!

And finally, some more useful tips.

  • The first sign of overheating in a baby is reddening of the cheeks.
  • If you notice signs of overheating in a child, immediately take him to the shade, uncover him, remove all excess clothing, and wipe him with water or wet wipes. Most often this is enough.
  • If your baby is too hot outside or at home, place a damp, cool diaper on his forehead.
  • If you notice diaper rash on your baby's skin, wash problem areas more often and dry them with powder or baby cream.

You can adapt to any weather and ease the baby’s condition too. Follow simple rules, and your summer will not be spoiled by too hot days.

The problems that parents of babies under one year old face in the hot summer most often relate to a lack of information and uncertainty in choosing the right solution. The small child looks defenseless. I want to save him. This is a manifestation of maternal instinct. It is psychologically easier for a mother if her child is securely covered in a stroller in any weather. She comes up with reasons: wind, dust, exhaust fumes. “The evil eye”, after all. And who can blame a mother or grandmother for being suspicious? Don't forget the magic of maternal intuition. History knows many cases when mothers saved their children thanks to a sudden instinct.

Where is the line between being overly concerned and being smart? In the summer you can see the following picture on the streets: a mother in a T-shirt is pushing a stroller with a child in a hat and under a cover that turns the stroller into a sauna. In summer, the child strengthens his immunity under sun and air baths. The best protection from the sun is shade, not a hat and cape. The rule “one layer more clothes than you wear” does not apply in hot weather. The child, like his mother, should feel comfortable. A sleepless fidget in a stroller actively moves, this helps him warm up. Watch how an inquisitive child twirls and imagine how hot he is if he is wrapped up.

Overheating will not go away!

A child up to one year old regulates his body temperature through breathing, so babies rarely sweat. In hot conditions, the sweat glands work, and the baby has problems with this. He is still small, his functions are not developed. Overheating is much more dangerous for a child than hypothermia.

Give your baby the opportunity to breathe fully - remove capes and excess clothing. Diseases arise from viruses and bacteria, not from wind. In 90% of cases, a hat in a closed stroller caresses the mother’s gaze, this is her peace of mind. It should be wisely separated from the real needs of the child. However, let's rehabilitate the cape! We live in the Urals, where parents go for a walk with a stroller at +21, and three hours later they escape from a drop of up to +9. Carry a light blanket and water bottles with you in the stroller bag, in its mesh. If your child’s age is ready for a “strolling” stroller, when choosing one, do not forget about a good sun canopy. A mosquito net is also needed. Especially if the stroller is bright. As Yu-Moms put it, it looks “inviting” to insects. A mosquito net will provide protection from the sun and is better than a diaper/cover in terms of breathability.

A lifehack for walking is a spray bottle. It will refresh your and your child's face, chest, and hands with water.
How to determine overheating? A healthy child's limbs are normally cool to the touch and heat transfer is higher. If your hands and feet (touch yours, yours too!) are not cold, but cooler than the air, everything is fine. Sensibly warm - overheating. The face is red, the baby is worried and whining, the hair is wet? - into the shade! And home.

Often, mothers trying to put their baby to sleep get tired and do not notice the obvious - for example, the baby in the stroller is hot, and his instinct of self-preservation is manifested by screaming. Passers-by look around, mom wants to quickly stop this torment, and she shakes and rolls the stroller. A person of any age falls asleep faster in cool conditions. Remove the cover and undress the child. You definitely don't need a hat inside the box. If you remove it, the child will immediately feel better. Use cotton diapers - you can tuck your baby in on all sides for comfort and a feeling of hugging.

Still overheated?

At the first signs of overheating, the child is transferred to a cool place, provided with air flow, and wiped with cool water from a carefully taken bottle. And go home, the walk has ceased to be useful. Panthenol ointment will help with sunburn.

Sun healer

The sun kills germs, strengthens the circulatory system and nervous system. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed in the body. In fact, it is not a vitamin, but a steroid hormone, which is produced only under the influence of UV rays during an hour-long walk. And for the norm of vitamin D, the rays sliding along the arms or legs are enough - nature has thought of everything.

Replenishing water balance

Take a bottle of water for washing and a sippy cup with drinking water for a walk. Not juice, not compote, which for a child under one year of age is more of a food than a drink. You yourself may have noticed that after drinking compotes and juices you feel thirsty. A child over one year old should drink a lot during hot weather, over 6 months - depending on the frequency of feeding (breast/formula) outside.

The debate about whether it is necessary to supplement babies with food in hot weather continues unabated. Each mother decides this herself, filtering stereotypes. Mostly, experienced mothers agree with drinking without fanaticism: if the child wants it, he will drink a couple of spoons, but no, it’s not scary. An adult eats differently, he has a different metabolism - he experiences thirst in hot weather. A baby's lifestyle is completely different! Breast milk consists of 87% biologically active water. Find a way to breastfeed your baby outside if you're walking for a long time. Take a summer scarf with you if your clothing does not allow for the feeding process to be hidden from prying eyes.

A child under three months of age experiences periodic colic. There is no need to aggravate the imbalance in the intestines by eroding the microflora with water. Children on IV are given extra food within reason. In the times of grandmothers and mothers, the mixtures were of worse quality - thick, too sweet. They were worth drinking. Modern mixtures cannot be compared with those that were in the 70-80s.

Prickly heat

Miliaria looks like a small red rash on the neck, shoulders, back, perineum and armpits. When overheated, the child sweats, and the sweat glands, as we remember, cannot cope with the secretion of sweat and become clogged. Miliaria is not dangerous, but it does make the skin vulnerable to infection. In summer, shower your child more often and give him air baths. Air heals the skin. Do not use creams, oils and foams every time, so as not to wash away the fatty film from the skin. Itching due to prickly heat is reduced by soda compresses. Add 1 teaspoon of soda to a glass of boiled water at room temperature. Gauze soaked in it is applied to the rash. You can add a decoction of bay leaves to the bath (1 teaspoon of leaves in 2 cups of water, boil over low heat under a closed lid for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours), and wipe the miliaria with the same decoction.

A “diaper” child: what does he feel like in the heat?

In the summer, a child in a diaper often frightens passersby with his appearance, who angrily suggest that the mother “try to put it on herself in this heat.” But inside the diaper, by definition, there cannot be a greenhouse effect from a combination of heat and humidity. Disposable diapers contain absorbents that absorb moisture, which is why they were invented. The diapers are not sealed, the materials are “breathable”. The greenhouse effect does not occur without airtightness. The diaper cools rather than overheats. If a baby experiences diaper rash, the reasons may be general overheating, a small diaper size, or an allergy to that brand. But the use of oilcloths and diapers, which quickly become wet, will provide a harmful greenhouse effect.

From birth, a person is ready to meet the sun, air, and wind. And even - oh, horror - various microbes. But he is completely unprepared for the fact that his temperature balance will be forcibly disrupted, interfering with the formation of immunity. Rely on your intuition, you are definitely the best mother for your child, and you know what he needs!

How to help your child cope with the heat?

Every time we look forward to summer very much, and then suffer from the heat. It’s even harder for kids than for us. And very young children cannot even explain what exactly causes them discomfort. Our task is to help our children endure the heat as easily as possible and prevent heat stroke.
What are the basic rules for children and their parents?
1. The most important thing is to drink. If your baby is still very young and feeds exclusively on breast milk, try to breastfeed as often as possible. There is no need to add water. There is enough of it in your milk to meet your baby's needs. And don’t forget to drink regularly yourself. If the baby is bottle-fed, offer water more often and do not allow the formula to become too concentrated. Older children should be given cool juices and fruit drinks, but not cold ones. Do not give soda or store-bought lemonade under any circumstances - they do not quench thirst and do not replenish fluid loss. Do not overdo it. If a child doesn’t want to drink, don’t force it. Excess fluid is also not beneficial, and children know better than you and me how much they need.
2. Do not allow overheating under any circumstances. Very young children still have poorly adjusted thermoregulation, and they are much hotter than you and me. Therefore, when dressing for a walk, remember that you need to put on one less layer on your baby than on yourself. Clothes should be light-colored, loose-fitting, and made from natural fabrics - cotton or linen. And be sure to cover your head, and choose Panama hats that will allow your child to sweat minimally.
3. If your baby does get a heatstroke and his temperature rises, weakness, and vomiting appear, consult a doctor immediately.
4. Make sure your child pees regularly so that he or she does not show signs of dehydration, such as dry lips or hard stools. To do this you need to drink enough, see point 1.
5. Bathe your baby or dry him with a damp towel as often as possible. The water should be a pleasant, comfortable temperature, not too cold and not too hot. The same rule applies to fully breastfed infants. Instead of supplementing with water, it is better to give the baby an extra bath. At the same time, there is no need to use gels and shampoos with every bath.
6. Change diapers often to prevent diaper rash. Or during the heat, try giving them up altogether.
7. Walks are very important for children. But remember that during periods of extreme heat you can only be outside until 11-12 o’clock and then after 16-17. Don't go for a walk at lunchtime. For walks, choose green courtyards, parks and stay in the shade. If your baby is walking in a stroller, under no circumstances block the access to oxygen using hoods and mosquito nets. Better hide in the shade of trees. Keep babies out of direct sunlight.
8. Be sure to use sunscreen. For very young children with a protective factor of SPF 50, for older children - no less than SPF 30. Please note that very few products are suitable for children under one year old.
9. Be prepared for the fact that your child will eat much less. Don't try to force feed. Offer only light foods and plenty of fruits and berries. Under no circumstances should you start introducing complementary foods in the heat.
10. Monitor the freshness of food very carefully. Not all stores comply with technical requirements for storing perishable products. Be carefull. Also, do not store perishable foods in the refrigerator door. The temperature there is higher than in the refrigerator itself, and the milk will sour much faster.
11. If you don’t have air conditioning in your apartment, try to make the climate in your house as comfortable as possible. Carry out wet cleaning more often, do not allow dust to accumulate, ventilate, but do not allow drafts. If you don't have a fan, then buy one right now, before everything is taken apart.
12. Put your child to bed wearing loose cotton clothes or no clothes at all. Bed linen should also be made only from natural fabrics.

The long-awaited summer has arrived, bringing with it sunny days, but at the same time, alas, heat and stuffiness. The “hot season” spares neither old nor young, but infants suffer the most from the summer heat. How can you help your baby survive the hot period?

Keeping your home cool

The main thing to do is to protect your home from the sun, dust and annoying insects. Hang blinds or dark curtains on the windows: bright light is unpleasant and even dangerous for the baby’s eyes, in addition, dark curtains will prolong his night’s sleep. Now you need to “strengthen” the window with protection from mosquitoes and flies, a proven method will help you with this - a mesh stretched over all openable windows.

The next stage is the fight against dust, which instantly penetrates into the home due to open windows. The most reliable remedy for an unpleasant “guest” is wet cleaning. Ideally, this procedure should be carried out daily, but not less than once every two days.

Another summer “disaster” is stuffiness, so it is necessary to ensure optimal humidity. You can humidify the air in your apartment using a spray bottle, spraying water several times a day, as well as wetting the leaves of indoor plants. It will become noticeably easier for your baby, and you too, to breathe if you place containers of cold water on high cabinets - the fumes will overcome the stuffy atmosphere. Do not give up the benefits of civilization - turn on the fan, but avoid drafts.

On a walk

During the warm season, the child needs to spend a lot of time outdoors. On hot days, when the temperature outside reaches 30 degrees and above, you must adhere to a strict walking regime - before 11 a.m. in the morning and after 5 p.m. in the evening, when the sun's rays are not so intense. For promenades with your baby, choose parks and shady alleys, preferably away from roads, so that noise and exhaust fumes do not bother you. Before going out into the world, lubricate your child’s skin with children’s sunscreen with a high degree of ultraviolet protection - carefully read the instructions about the age at which the product can be used.

The best “outfit” for a baby in the summer heat is a light overalls made of natural fabrics (linen, cotton, knitwear), the same applies to bed linen. These materials, firstly, allow the child’s skin to “breathe”, and secondly, they almost do not allow harmful ultraviolet rays to pass through. Dress your six-month-old baby in thin trousers and a blouse, so that the arms and legs are completely covered. A mandatory “attribute” is a hat, cap or panama hat; without it, the child risks getting sunstroke. But it is advisable to remove socks and shoes, provided that the baby does not leave the stroller. At this time, give up diapers - the kids feel hot and uncomfortable in them, remember the good old gauze diapers.

Many parents practice impromptu walks on the balcony. Pediatricians do not advise doing this: in a closed stroller the temperature can be much higher than “overboard”, and such exercise will bring nothing but torment to the child. But if you still continue to take the stroller with the baby out onto the balcony in the evening, do not forget about the mosquito cape.

Summer menu for babies

In hot weather, infants' appetite changes: for proper metabolism, the body needs more fluid and, as a rule, less food. Breastfed babies need to be put to the breast as often as possible (up to 15 times a day) - due to the heat, babies eat little by little and, in addition, they quench their thirst with mother's milk.

Offer your little one regular food more often boiled water. Keep in mind: manipulations with artificial formulas (if you have already started “feeding” your child with them) are unacceptable: strictly follow the instructions on the packaging, any deviation from the norm - towards decreasing or increasing the powder per serving - can cause problems for the child’s health. In general, it is better to start the transition to a new diet - mixtures or the so-called “common table” in advance or postpone until the fall, since in hot weather gastronomic innovations will inevitably result in digestive problems.

However, this does not prevent you from introducing new foods to your baby’s menu – vegetables and berries. The general rule applies here: introduce any food gradually, monitoring the baby’s reaction, especially for “summer allergens” - strawberries, cherries, currants. If your little one’s diet, in addition to breast milk, already includes “adult” food, try to give him light foods (vegetable soups, jelly, decoctions and fruits) and heavier foods (vegetables, meat puree, cereals) during the most intense heat. ) - in the evening.

Rescue in the water!

The best way to help your baby on “hot” days is to arrange water procedures. Treat the little ones with wet wiping more often (4-5 times a day). To do this, lower a soft terry mitten or towel into water (32-35 degrees), squeeze and rub one arm first, when dry, the other, then the legs, tummy and back in turn.

The most favorite and useful activity for a baby in the summer heat is bathing. No need to wait until evening to bathe your baby. As soon as you see that the child is sweating and his face is flushed, prepare a bath (water temperature 38-40 degrees). You shouldn’t use hygiene products every time you “rinse”: save soap and bubble bath for the evening procedure, but don’t forget about non-greasy baby cream - the sun and water dry out the baby’s delicate skin.

Easy-going parents are in a hurry to take their child to the sea in the first summer of his life. Pediatricians advise refraining from such a bold step, but if you still decide to change the climate during your vacation, try to keep the vacation long. Acclimatization for children takes a week or two, and in order for the vacation to bring joy to both you and the heir, you need to leave for at least a month and a half. Keep in mind: it is still better to avoid swimming in the sea - at a tender age it is easy to catch an infection.

All year long we look forward to the warm summer sun, but in the summer we usually begin to suffer from the heat and hide from it in houses and cars with air conditioning. Some people save themselves with cold kvass, others try to escape from the hot city closer to water and nature. For many people, exposure to heat is medically contraindicated. Heat can negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and other organs and systems.

It is very difficult for small children to tolerate the heat. Babies have an imperfect thermoregulation system, so they may be at risk of overheating, heatstroke, sunstroke, and sunburn. Many young mothers underestimate the danger of overheating, but we must remember that for a child under three years of age, overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia. Therefore, in the summer it is necessary to try with all your might to prevent the child from overheating.

Water treatments help beat the heat

Everyone knows how nice it is to take a cool, refreshing shower in the sweltering summer heat, but for this reason few people offer such pleasure to their child. Most people motivate this by the fact that a child can catch a cold from cool water. But this is not true, you can catch a child’s cold if you dip him in ice water, but water at room temperature will not cause any harm, especially in hot weather.

If you want to ease your child's condition, you can bathe him in a refreshing shower three to four times a day. If this is not possible, then you can pour yourself from a jug or wipe yourself with a damp towel. This will help you tolerate high temperatures more easily and avoid overheating. Just wipe your face with a damp handkerchief, and it will become much easier. It is very important to dry your baby after bathing and use not too cold water for bathing. After all, none of us likes to take a bath in an ice-cold shower.

If we are talking about older children, then water procedures will also be very useful for them. If you have the opportunity to swim in an open body of water, you can do so, but only if you take all precautions. You can also use spray bottles with water at room temperature and all kinds of games with water guns and dousing.

Optimal drinking regime in the summer heat

One of the summer rules is that you need to drink when it’s hot. This rule applies to everyone without exception, even the smallest children. You can often hear the opinion that infants do not require additional supplementation, since they consume only liquid food - milk. This is a mistake; milk is a food, not a drink, and in high temperatures it cannot provide the required amount of liquid. The baby will ask for the breast more often, but not from hunger, but from thirst, and as a result, he will simply overeat without receiving the required volume of fluid.

Most modern pediatricians insist that it is necessary to feed infants in extreme heat. You can drink from a bottle, but if you are afraid to accustom your baby to it, you will have to drink from a spoon. Babies up to one year old should receive approximately 130 - 150 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight every day. Children from one to three years old need 100-120 ml. In this case, all fluid intake into the body, including food, is taken into account. If your baby eats juicy fruits, purees, etc., he needs a little less clean water.

What drinks can be offered to children? It is best to give infants plain purified water or special baby drinks. Compote from . For older children, you can offer almost any fruit drinks, compotes, unsweetened juices diluted with water, weak green tea or plain water. You can drink natural fermented milk drinks without sugar or fillers.

What should you not drink? First of all, these are any sweet sodas. They contain a lot of sugar, carry extra calories, and are very poor at quenching thirst. For the same reason, you should avoid sweet juices. They contain too little water and too much sugar and pulp. Children under 3-4 years old should not drink kvass, as it is a fermentation product. Kvass is not prohibited for older children, but you need to choose a high-quality natural product and drink it in small quantities. And, of course, children should not drink coffee, strong tea, energy drinks and other caffeine-containing drinks, since they have very little in common with quenching thirst, but they negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system and have a pronounced diuretic effect.

Proper nutrition for a child in the heat

Usually, in extreme heat, appetite worsens for everyone, both adults and children. But it must be borne in mind that fasting days will not bring any harm to adults, but children need to regularly receive nutrients for growth and development. That is why It is very important to create the right summer menu, which should include light but nutritious food.

The main meal should be moved to the evening, when the heat subsides a little. Then you can try to feed the child with other relatively heavy foods. Until the heat subsides, preference should be given to fruit and vegetable dishes. You can offer your baby low-fat yogurt or other fermented milk product. Light porridge is good for breakfast.

If your baby is breastfed, you should not start introducing complementary foods in the heat of the day. It’s better to wait until the weather becomes more favorable or even until autumn. Also, you should not introduce new products in the midst of heat, especially if it concerns meat products that are quite complex for a growing body.

The right summer clothes for your baby

It is very important to choose the right clothes for your child in hot weather. It should be made from natural fabrics and have a simple, loose cover. It is best to choose light-colored outfits made from cotton or linen fabrics. Children tend to sweat a lot, and loose clothing helps them dry and cool faster. If you wear tight or tight clothing, you can get diaper rash and abrasions on the skin. Often in such weather a characteristic rash appears - prickly heat, which is precisely a consequence of insufficient ventilation.

We must not forget about a hat in the heat.
It, like clothing, should be made of natural light fabric and not too tight. A hat or panama hat should have a wide brim, a cap should have a fairly large visor. This will help protect your baby's eyes from the sun.

If you are walking with a baby under six months old who is still in a stroller, do not forget to check whether the stroller is too hot and whether there is enough air in it. You should not swaddle your baby, since there is no wind in the stroller; you can get by with a diaper and a vest, or even just one diaper.

Protecting baby's skin during the heat

Many mothers and children try to escape the sweltering heat on the beach. This decision is not without common sense, since it is always cooler near the water and there is an opportunity to swim. But It’s important to remember that it’s much easier to get sunburned here than in the shade of trees. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of protecting the baby’s skin.

Light clothing and a hat, as well as the right sunscreen, will help you avoid getting burned. If you choose a cream, you need to pay attention to the SPF number. It indicates the solar protection factor, or more precisely, how many times the time spent in the sun will increase the field of use of this cream. In addition, when choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account the baby’s phototype, the color of his skin, hair and eyes.

Doctors usually believe that children's skin can withstand exposure to direct sunlight for 5 minutes without damage. If we choose a cream with SPF 10, this means that we can stay in the sun ten times longer - 50 minutes. Of course, this does not mean that after using the cream you can send your child into the sun for 50 minutes; it does not protect from heat.

For children, it is better to choose creams with strong protection, with SPF from 10 to 30. It is very important that the packaging indicates the UVB, UVA markings, this means that the cream protects against ultraviolet rays A and B. The cream must be applied 20-30 minutes before going outside and after each swim.

The correct mode of walking in the summer heat

Very often, parents, afraid of overheating their baby, begin to limit walks, preferring to sit under the air conditioner. This is not entirely correct, the baby needs walks and sunlight, because the sun helps us produce vitamin D. That is why walking is necessary, but the time of walking needs to be changed a little - you can go outside from 8 to 11 and after 16 hours of the day. It is best to walk in the shade of trees.

When it comes to traveling and vacationing with children, moderation must also be observed here. It’s not worth going to the seaside or to a country where the climate is sharply different from yours with children under three years old. Adapting to new conditions may become too difficult for them. As soon as the child adapts to the new climate, he will have to go back and get used to it again, which will become additional stress.

If you want to change the situation and go somewhere in the summer, then The best option would be a dacha near your hometown. Here you feel the heat much less, you can set up an inflatable pool and splash around all day, you can relax under the shade of trees and you don’t have to strain your body to adapt. The seas will wait until the baby is at least three years old.

Correct behavior in transport in the heat (Video)

Not all types of transport in our country are equipped with air conditioning. And where they exist, they are often broken or not turned on for some other reason. This is why traveling in public transport often becomes a real challenge for both adults and children.

How can you help yourself and your child during the trip and prevent them from happening? If you plan to travel by public transport, you need to stock up on plain water and wet wipes. You can wipe your face and limbs with napkins, you can drink water, and you can use it to moisturize your skin. An improvised fan made from any paper or clothing will also help.

If you are traveling in a car without air conditioning, then do not forget to open the windows and never leave your baby alone in the car, even for a few minutes. Even if it’s only +25 degrees outside, the temperature in the car can rise to 40 degrees in just a few minutes. Too many children have been harmed in this way for us to forget simple safety rules.